Dance Colleges & training camps
For years, Dancers Network has provided inspirational talks to colleges and universities to educate the upcoming generation in the realities of working in the commercial dance industry. ​
We are currently working to increase the sustainability of this offering by fleshing out our support into a curriculum of 12 core talks and workshops.
Aside from this, those working within Dance Institutions can join The Network to see updated industry rates, Dancers Network Terms & Conditions and stay up to date with campaigns impacting the industry your students are training to enter. ​
Inspirational Talks offered to the upcoming generation
Clear contract and pencilling templates for free use on productions where they're missing
Opportunities for students to meet dancers & agents
Industry Support
Providing advocacy support if needed on their first jobs worked in the industry
Rate Guidelines
Up to date industry standards to educate students
A bank of education covering all topics a dancer working in the commercial dance industry needs
Get a Quote
We pride ourselves on our transparency here at Dancers Network so we don't like to not be able to give a ballpark idea - but the logic is below!
We base our pricing on the number of students you want to cover with a membership, and the number (and type) of talks you would like us to do. The more students/talks you request the lower the price per student/talk.